One Step Closer

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Photo by Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

I was at home, thinking about all of the things that I needed to do in the next few weeks: what I need to do for work, at home, feedback from my editor regarding the book . . . and then I had a moment. A “Wow, I can’t believe you were going to just gloss over that” moment.  

I have an editor! I took a moment to absorb that fact and tried to appreciate how far I’ve come. I don’t often do that. I often don’t celebrate until the job is completely done and even then, I’m starting to look for the next thing that needs to be done. I’m wired that way, but I’m lucky in that I have good people around me that help me with my perspective.

I have an editor because I’ve written a book! Actually, I have two editors because I’ve written two books! Thinking about the feedback from my editor reminded me that I started this book-writing journey in 2017. I wrote a Young Adult (YA) book Astral Beings and a non-fiction book, You’re Worth It!: Navigating Your Career in Corporate America

I wrote the YA because since I was a child, I’ve written poems, short stories, and screenplays - with dreams of one day writing a book. In 2017, I started that book and in 2018 I finished it. Also in 2018, I started writing a book that I thought would help people in their careers. A year later, in 2019, I finished that one. 

Today, I have the final copy from my editor, am working on the cover art, my marketing plan <hint: this website is part of it>, and on distribution. I’m close to having a book that I believe will make a difference in the lives of people, published. And, I guess I’m proud of that.  

Normally, I would just push through until it was complete, but I think I’ll take a moment to reflect and enjoy the fact that I am one step closer.

Coach Ha-Keem

You’re Worth It! Navigating Your Career in Corporate America - coming Summer 2020


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